
Hudson and Brand, Inquiry Agents of the Obscure.

Created by Stygian Fox Publishing

Hudson and Brand: Inquiry Agents of the Obscure is the first in our ‘Safe House’ series where players of the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game (published by Chaosium, Inc), have a home-base for their characters to work out of. At hand, they will have resources, a gun range, a collection of monographs on various subjects, a small library, three members of staff, and property consisting of offices and lodgings in the very heart of London.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 6 years ago – Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 04:41:05 PM

Hi everyone,

Things have changed a little behind the scenes here at Stygian Fox and I have taken a step back and let others take the reigns for a while in order to complete the book deliveries. I anticipate everyone still waiting will have the book in their hands no later than June 30th 2018. The Curator boxes will also begin shipping on this date.


Missing Copies and getting back in the saddle
over 6 years ago – Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 01:05:08 AM

Hi all, As you know, I've been really ill over the past year and while a tumour I have was being handled it was reducing my energy to a ridiculously low level. However, I was functioning and was able to manage and delegate.

What I was totally unprepared for was being hit by Bacterial Pneumonia, then Pleurisy, now a severe throat infection. I don't think I've ever been so ill in my life. I found it impossible to catch my breath and the pain was enough for me to want to curl up and die. I've had a couple of hospital stays when it got worryingly dangerous, lots of meds, and support from my docs. God bless the NHS! My friends and many of you have also been incredibly supportive. Others... well, not so much.

I have unfortunately been unable to work or even post updates. This has led to an uncharacteristic absence of communication regarding your pledges and your Kickstarter. Trying to get back to work and some of the comments has only set me back but, thankfully, I'm on the mend (Apart from that time last week when I thought I could run a games convention and passed out during the first session. Oops). Some of the good wishes and patience from backers has been astonishing and has taken an enormous amount of stress off me.

I'm updating specifically this, and another Kickstarter, who seem to be missing their copies. I am recovered sufficiently and am having decent pain relief that my breathing is almost back to normal and will start corraling all the project cats into one pen and sorting stuff out starting tomorrow morning.

It's clear that a number of processed orders via drivethrurpg have failed to go through. I need to discover what was sent but didn't arrive (that's down to drivethru) or failed to process and wasn't noticed (that's down to myself and drivethrurpg) or wasn't sent by neglect (that's my fault). Once I discover this I can start shipping out replacements. The folks of Backerkit are going to be helping me sort out their side of things.

 I'm really sorry. As many of you will know this isn't the usual side of my job or how I do things but if a company is just you and contractors and you become too ill to work, it all stops. You won't be surprised to learn that I haven't been earning any money either so that needs to change.

So, here's how you can help. Are you missing your copy of:
Hudson & Brand?  
 The Book of Contemporary Magical Things

 If so then please e-mail me at [email protected] with the missing book title in the subject line. In the body of the email, I'll need your name, email, and how you bought or pledged for it. I can find you in the massive excel form using those and then track your copy. Then I can send it to you with an apology and, if it's down to me, a little freebie.

 So please get in touch. I need to resolve this as much as you do.

general update
over 6 years ago – Sun, Mar 04, 2018 at 05:25:45 PM

 Hi everyone,  Sorry for the lack of an update. I'm currently heading to the West Country for medical treatment and I should be back in my office in a little over a week.  Distribution has had its issues as you're probably aware. I've read your messages and I've been chasing up solutions. In future, I hope to have Indie Press Revolution handle more of my distribution globally so I don't have to rely on solely going through OBS (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow).  Many of you have received your books but many others are still waiting. I'm really sorry about that. I have however gotten some awesome help from a fellow publisher in relation to streamlining and delegation and can promise that everyone will have their books within 4 weeks from today. If/when you receive your copy, please post a review (good or bad) of your book so other people can get a fair opinion of whether they should buy it or not. This update pertains to The Book of Contemporary Magical Places and Hudson &Brand, inquiry agents of the obscure (Curator boxes will take a tad longer as they will need to be assembled). Those who backed Fear's Sharp Little Needles and The Book of Contemporary Magical Places should also have the preliminary PDFs in their hands by then too! It's going to be soooo good to have projects completed and in your hands 😊 Stephanie x 

over 6 years ago – Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 09:36:28 PM

Some great news everyone!

The hardback standard copy (without errors) and the b&w softcover standard copy (again, without errors) were delivered an hour ago. 

They look perfect! 

Shipping to backers starts today! Please be patient with delivery as shipping entails a rather substantial amount of money (a little more than was originally quoted for!)

Thank you for sticking with me! I am currently awaiting on the special edition proofs.


Another delay
over 6 years ago – Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 09:44:54 PM

Hi all,

My apologies at the delays. Badger got the print files back to me and they're gorgeous but missing a few of the maps at the back of the book. It seems I may have neglected to upload all the Bacon maps so only half of London was there. 

Badger fixed it in no time (of course) but that has meant that yet again we need to send files off to DriveThruRPG, wait for them to 'ok' them, order proofs, review them, and then send Chaosium their copies. All of these will take about 2 weeks. At that point, if the proofs are good and I suspect they will be, I'll be sending everyone their physical copies. 

I'll also be updating the PDF files on DTRPG so those who have received the PDF (which should be all of you) will be able to download the new version with the correct maps).

I'm gutted that we've come this far only to stumble. Please bear with me, the finish line is in sight.
